8 February 2014

Chapter 3: Hidden Things

"I don't know why you were complaining about it in the first place...you did great!  Even the instructor thinks so!"  Khushi said cheerfully as the three women walked into the penthouse after their second dance class.

Anjali had been extremely sceptical of the idea because she felt that her personality wasn't cut out to suit hip-hop dancing.  During their first class a week ago, however, she had taken a liking to the free, easy going dance form.

"He said I was doing well but he absolutely loves you and Joel."  Anjali winked at Khushi.

Khushi rolled her eyes.  "Seriously...you two need to pay attention to the dance steps and stop eyeing the men.  You two, let me remind you, are not single."

Khushi continued walking towards Arnav's room while Anjali and Payal took a seat on the couch.  Just like she did every time, she turned the door knob and threw the door open only to get frozen on her spot.  She'd caught Arnav and his latest girlfriend, Shanaya Singh, in a very compromising position.  Being a woman, she didn't care about seeing Shanaya in the state she was.  It's not like Shanaya's anatomy was much different from her own but the other person in the room.  Arnav!  Her best friend!

She did not, and that meant absolutely did not, need to see him in that state.  Shirtless Arnav was a different story but this was too much for her innocence!  Much to Khushi's horror, they hadn't even realized that she'd been standing there for all of two seconds!  When Khushi's eyes caught too detail than she needed to, she shrieked loudly, effectively drowning their adulterated moans.

Arnav and a very scandalized looking Shanaya paused and turned to face her but Khushi had already started shutting the door as she left.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!  OH! My! God!  My eyes!  My EYES!!"  Khushi covered her eyes dramatically with her hands and half hopped and half ran on the spot, earning bewildered gazes from Payal and Anjali who immediately stood up to see what the commotion was about.  "Oh, my eyes!  My ears!"  Khushi covered her ears next as she recalled the not-so-innocent sounds she'd just heard.  "I've been scarred for life!  I did not need to see that or hear any of that!"  Khushi shuddered violently as she recalled what she'd just witnessed.

She walked into her room and slammed the door shut behind her.  Anjali and Payal exchanged confused looks and then looked back to Arnav's door.  A silent minute passed and then a very annoyed looking Shanaya stepped out.  Her hair was messed up, the red patches covering her neck and face told the story Khushi hadn't been able to.  Arnav stepped out after her only to be facing an annoyed Anjali and an embarrassed looking Payal.  Shanaya muttered her greetings and left in a huff while Arnav carelessly walked to Khushi's room.

"Chotte!"  Anjali stopped him.

Her tone stopped him in his tracks.  Sensing the need to leave the two siblings alone, Payal excused herself.

"Chotte, what the hell is this?"

"What?"  He shrugged nonchalantly, facing her.

"This Chotte.  Your short relationships which just seem to be getting shorter and shorter with time!  Your last break up was last week and this week I'm already seeing some new girl step out of your room looking like that?  This isn't right.  You have to stop playing with their emotions!"

"What emotions, Di?  There are no emotions!  Those girls know exactly what they're getting into when they go on a date with me.  It's not like I force them to do this.  They willingly agree for all of this.  And I've done this for so long that most girls even know what I'm like.  They know exactly what they're getting into.  I never promise them anything long term."  Arnav argued heatedly.  This wasn't the first time Anjali was lecturing him on this but she didn't understand.  No one did!  No one except for Khushi understood him.

"So you just use women for your...pleasure... and then dispose of them once you're satisfied?"  Anjali looked disgusted.

"If that's how you want to think of it...then that's what it is."  Arnav let out a sigh when he saw his Di's bottom lip quivering.  He knew tears would follow.  "Di...at least you try and understand me...Khushi understands me...I thought you understood me just as much."

Anjali paused and looked at her brother.  The weirdly pained expression on his face was begging her to understand.  She sighed, defeated.  How was she supposed to argue when he made a face like that?  Pouting stubbornly, Anjali made her way to the room and Arnav knew that in a couple of hours, his sister would be back to normal.


Khushi tossed her diary across her room feeling frustrated.  The diary hit the wall and fell lifelessly on the floor.  She'd been scribbling in it for the past hour, ranting about her day.  Grudgingly, she walked up to her dresser and stared at her reflection.  A white short sleeved T-shirt that read I'm smiling because I have no Idea what's going on', black shorts, hair tied up in a ponytail, no make-up.  She took a deep breath and then sighed. 

She was nothing like the girls he dated. 

Thank God for that!

She hated every single girl he dated.  They were all dumb, gold digging, stupid, fashion addicted bimbos!  None of them understood him like she did.  None of them knew his story like she did.  None of them knew him like she did.  None of them understood his humour like she did.  They were just flavours for him...flavours that changed every few weeks. 

All except for one. 


She had seen many girls walk into his life and leave as suddenly as they had appeared but she was always there.  And she would be there.  Always.

She breathed in deeply and grinned at her reflection before walking out into the living room.  She found Akash, Payal, Anjali, and Rohan watching some weepy Bollywood movie.  Rolling her eyes at them, she made her way to Arnav's room, for the first time in years, knocking before she stepped in.

"What the!  Come on Khush.  You don't have to knock."  He frowned at her.

She closed the door behind her and looked at him with raised eyebrows.  "Please.  After what happened a couple hours ago...I think I won't be coming in here for a few days!"

Arnav raised one eyebrow at her ridiculous statement.  It was ridiculous because she was saying she won't come into his room and yet...  "Khush...you're standing in my room right now."

"That's because Goldie's here.  I'm not here to see you."  She made a face at him and walked to the glass cage in the corner of the room. 

Arnav just shook his head at her and turned back to his laptop.  A second later, he turned back to face her when she gasped.

"What now?"

"Where's Goldie?"  Khushi questioned with her hands on her hips.

"What do you mean...he's in the..."  His voice trailed off as he registered the look on her face.

Instantly, both of them started searching for their pet.

"We have to find him!  We've only had him for a week!  How can you lose him already?"  Khushi hissed as they began turning his room upside down.

Outside, the four of them effectively ignored the thumps and bangs echoing from Arnav's bedroom.

"I bet Khushi's beating him up for what happened earlier."  Anjali chuckled.

A couple minutes later, Payal giggled.  Anjali turned to give her an astonished look. 

"Why are you laughing during a sad scene?"  Anjali asked.  There was nothing remotely funny about watching Priety Zinta crying after she found out about Shah Rukh Khan's illness in Kal Ho Na Ho.

Payal just shook her head and glared at Akash who was sitting on her right.  He looked at her confusedly.  Why the hell was she glaring at him?  What did he do now?

A couple minutes later, Payal giggled again.  "Stop it Akash!"

She hissed to him, her eyes glued to the TV screen.  He frowned in confusion and reached out to take some popcorn.  Payal giggled yet again.

"Stop tickling me Akash!"  She whined.

The three others looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I didn't tickle you!"  Akash held up his popcorn filled hands for her to see.

Payal frowned at his hands.  "That's odd...then what's tickling me?"

Payal shifted around to see what the heck was tickling her and when she saw it, she let out a blood curling scream.

As soon as the scream reached Arnav and Khushi, their heads snapped in each other's direction.

"Goldie!"  They announced simultaneously before running out of the room.

When they reached out into the living room, the scenario was nothing short of hilarious.  All four of them jumping from one place to another, over the couches, on the couches, throwing cushions around, squealing, yelping, and gasping, clearly trying to escape something.  At one point, Akash has jumped into Rohan's arms when the animal slithered across his foot.

*This is how I Imagined Akash and Rohan*

Then all four of them had clearly spotted their pet and they all jumped onto the couch, hugging each other. 

Rohan narrowed his eyes at the snake and picked up a pillow.  The second he started trying to hit it, Khushi ran over.

"Stop stop!  It's not dangerous!  It's a pet snake!"  She kneeled next to the agitated looking milk snake.

Both Anjali and Payal yelped while Akash shuddered when Khushi picked up the snake and it instantly wound itself around her hand.

"Relax.  It's just a milk snake.  Not venomous.  It's harmless to humans."  Khushi explained holding up the snake for them to see.  All four of them cringed away.  Arnav walked up to Khushi, trying to keep from laughing at the other four as Arnav stroked the snake's smooth surface with the back of his index finger.

Anjali flared.  "What. Is. That. Doing. Here?"

Khushi looked at her sheepishly and then at Arnav.  "Arnav volunteers to answer that question."

"Khushi and I got him as our pet..."

"WHEN??"  Akash and Rohan questioned at once.

Arnav looked at them with a bored expression.  "A week ago you pair of sissies.  Di and Payal I understand but I never thought I'd see Akash jumping into Rohan's arms out of fear.  I wish I had your reactions recorded!"  Arnav burst out laughing.

Sure their reactions were something to laugh at, and laugh they did.  A few minutes later, though, Anjali sobered up and made it clear that the snake could not stay in the house and that they would have to get rid of him somehow.  Arnav had been disappointed and Khushi had thrown a childish fit but in the end, both had given in.

"Make sure Dad doesn't find out about him when he visits...dad hatessnakes..."  Anjali whispered to Khushi, making sure Arnav didn't catch a word.  He still didn't know that his father would be here in a week's time.  Anjali had decided to not tell him at all.

It was a great decision, too.

When a week later, Anjali stepped into the penthouse beaming a wide smile accompanied by her father, Arvind Singh Raizada, Arnav had momentarily stood frozen in his place, his jaw hanging at his knees.  Khushi had practically run across the room to greet one of her favourite people in the world.

Arvind gathered her in a hug just like he had hugged Anjali at the airport.  Squealing and giggling out of glee, she had walked up to Arnav who was still standing next to the couch.

"Come and say hello to your father you idiot!"  She tugged at his arm and soon the father and son were gathered in an affectionate hug.

"How come no one told me?"  Arnav complained, his eyes shooting daggers at Khushi and Anjali.

Khushi held up her hands defensively.  "It was Anjali's idea.  I was told to keep my mouth shut."

Arnav had been extremely happy.  Both he and Anjali constantly flanked their father as they sat in the living room chatting generally about his business and their education.  Then, as they got started on the lunch that Khushi and Payal had prepared, the conversation involved all seven individuals present in the penthouse.

"Relax Rohan.  You do this every time...I am not going to kill you for dating my daughter."  Arvind looked sternly at a fidgety Rohan who sat across from Anjali.

"Seriously!  It makes sense that you were nervous when you told him about your relationship but now he knows...what's the big deal?"  Khushi said stuffing her mouth with a spoonful of rice.

"See?  She's my wise one.  I know she'll come up to me and tell me when she finds her prince charming."  Arvind smiled lovingly at her.

Arnav's eyes flew to hers and she started coughing as she choked on the rice.

"I don't know dad...I'm beginning to think that she's you know...a lesbian."  Arnav teased, earning an offended glare from Khushi.

"She's not like you, Arnav.  She won't go through a hundred men before finding the one she wants to stick with."  Arvind smiled proudly at her. 

Khushi smiled back with the same affection.  This was definitely something her Bauji would have said.  Arnav just rolled his eyes at her when she gave him a smug glare.

Akash cleared his throat.  "Chachu...let's go out for dinner tonight.  To your favourite Indian restaurant?  I'll make the reservations."

"Sounds good...I was hoping I could stay longer with you guys but I do have to go and attend a conference in New York tomorrow...I will be leaving tonight around midnight."  Arvind didn't miss the suddenly crestfallen faces.  "Oh come on...you guys start your classes tomorrow anyway.  I will make a visit back, soon."  Arvind tried to lighten the atmosphere.

But the slight glumness remained until he opened the bag of gifts after lunch.  Then, the excitement had returned.  Everyone opened their gifts enthusiastically and thanked the old man.  The gifts were soon forgotten as random conversations bloomed within the group assembled in the living room.


Their big round table was, by far, the loudest in the semi crowded restaurant.  The tinkling laughter mingled with murmurs of their conversation, laced with the clicks of the cutlery.  The only two people who seemed nervous at the table were Akash and Payal. The only reason why Akash had suggested this dinner was so that he could announce his and Payal's relationship to his uncle.  Akash knew that his uncle would help in convincing his mother, Manorama Raizada.  Manorama Raizada was a woman who dressed in traditional sarees but believed in dressing up grandly every day.  She tried to adapt to the modern ways of life however her thinking process was still old-school.  For all Akash knew, Manorama could be lining up girls that she considered suitable matches for her Akash Bituwa...for an arranged marriage.

Arnav looked at Akash steadily, willing him to look at him.  When he did, Arnav jerked his head in his father's direction.  Akash nodded in negative vigorously, trying to relay that he won't be able to do it.  Khushi, who was sitting between Arnav and Payal held Payal's trembling hand under the table.

"Senior ASR is super cool, Payal.  You guys will be fine."  Khushi muttered to Payal while the waiter cleared off the table and placed their desserts in front of them.

Arvind wasn't a fool. He had been young once too.  He had an idea of what was going on here.  He just didn't want to put Akash in a weird position by downright asking him what he wanted to say.  But at the rate Akash was going, he knew he would have to speak up soon.  How was this boy going to face his dramatic mother when he couldn't speak his mind to his uncle?  He almost chuckled to himself as he saw Arnav and Khushi signalling Akash with their nods and glares.

"Any issues?"  Arvind said, at last, knowing that Akash wouldn't say anything without a push.

"Yes."  Arnav cut in when he saw Akash trying to deny.  "Akash has something important to tell you."

Payal stiffened in her seat and grasped Khushi's hand tighter.  Akash, who sat on her other side, sighed and she felt him grab hold of her free hand.  He squeezed her hand once encouragingly.

"I...I do have something to tell you...I didn't want to do it over the phone...I mean...something like this, I felt like I should speak about it in person.  It's easier to gauge reactions that way.  Besides"" Akash's rant was cut off by Arvind's chuckle.

"No need to be so nervous Akash.  You can tell me what it is."  Arvind nodded encouragingly.

Akash smiled and relaxed a little seeing the affection on his Chachu's face.  "I'm in a serious relationship."  He announced and saw his Chachu's eyes light up at the idea.  "With Payal."  Akash finished, looking at Payal who seemed to have frozen in her seat.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when Arvind slammed his hand on the table excitedly.  "I knew it!"  Arvind paused when he saw Payal's startled face.  "Sorry dear...I didn't mean to scare you.  But I had a feeling that there was something going on there..."  He pointed significantly at her and Akash.  "I only have one question for you."  Arvind looked at her with a concerned expression.

Payal exchanged a nervous glance with Khushi and Akash before nodding at Arvind.

Arvind smiled.  "Payal, Are you happy with him?"

Payal blinked a couple of times, replaying the question in her mind.  A nervous smile broke out on her face when she saw Akash grinning.  Payal looked at him lovingly.  "Yes I am."  She turned to face Arvind again.  "I'm very happy with him."

Arvind smiled at them and picked up his wine glass.  "To Payal and Akash.  May they always be so smitten with each other!"

The other lifted their glasses in the air too and drank to Payal and Akash.  Akash kissed Payal's hand and smiled at her, making her blush.

"I'm with you two, Akash...don't worry about your mother for now."  Arvind smiled and earned a respectful smile from Akash.  "When do I get to hear you give me some good news, Arnav?"  Arvind's eyes flickered to Khushi once very quickly.  Arnav shrugged but didn't reply.  "I'm starting to worry with your frequently changing girlfriends.  I think you should think about a serious relationship now..."  Arvind suggested in a calm fatherly tone.

Arnav immediately exchanged a glance with Khushi.  He caught Anjali's smug I told you so' look next.  He rolled his eyes at her and turned to look at his father.

"I'm not ready for serious commitment dad."  Arnav took another sip from his wine glass.

Anjali's eyes narrowed when she saw some kind of emotion flicked across Khushi's face for a fraction of a second.  There was definitely something going on between them that they were keeping from her and Anjali didn't like that one bit. 

Soon, the other two couples had moved to the makeshift dance floor in one corner of the restaurant where other couples swayed to the soft melody.  Arnav, Khushi, and Arvind remained behind on the table, all three suddenly very quiet.

"It's rude not to ask a beautiful lady for a dance when she's getting bored, Arnav."  Arvind said pointedly.

"Which lady?"  Arnav's head snapped around, searching for a beautiful lonely girl sitting at some table.

Arvind gaped at his idiotic son.  "You fool! I'm talking about Khushi."

Arnav laughed out loud.  "Lady??  Her?  No way!  She's my little Miss Tom Boy."

Khushi slapped his arm as Arnav led her to the dance floor anyway.  Arvind smiled and proudly patted his own back mentally.

Arvind shook his head at his son after a couple of minutes of watching them dance.  Arnav was so much like him when it came to this matter.  Arvind had had the love of his life staring him in the face for years and he hadn't realized his feelings until she had moved away.  Fate had been good to him and when his mother, Arnav's grandmother, had found a suitable bride for her son, it had turned out to be the same woman he had been love with.  Fate wasn't always good to everyone, though.  Arvind secretly worried that by the time two of these realized their feelings for each other, it might be too late.   

Preview: Khushi on a date.  With who? How?

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