9 February 2014

Chapter 4: Jealousy Games

Arvind shook his head at his son after a couple of minutes of watching them dance.  Arnav was so much like him when it came to this matter.  Arvind had had the love of his life staring him in the face for years and he hadn't realized his feelings until she had moved away.  Fate had been good to him and when his mother, Arnav's grandmother, had found a suitable bride for her son, it had turned out to be the same woman he had been love with.  Fate wasn't always good to everyone, though.  Arvind secretly worried that by the time two of these realized their feelings for each other, it might be too late.

Arvind continued looking at his son and Khushi as they cheerfully danced away.  Just like him, Arnav's dream girl was in his arms right now, looking ever so happy, and he was too busy seeing the best friend in her.  And his quickly changing girlfriends didn't help matters either.  His Casanova personality was bound to push Khushi away one day and Arvind knew that if that happened, Arnav wouldn't get as lucky as him.  In this day and age, some other guy was bound to become attracted to the beautiful gem that was Khushi.

Arvind was lost in his thoughts the rest of the evening wondering what to do about the situation.  Should he plant a seed in Arnav's mind?  In Khushi's, maybe?

"It's not what you think..." Anjali spoke next to him as they stood at the airport.  Arvind was looking hopefully at Arnav and Khushi, who stood in front of a vending machine.  They seemed to be arguing about something.

"What?"  Arvind turned to face his daughter.

Anjali jerked her chin in Arnav and Khushi's direction.  "I see the way you're looking at them but they claim they're just best friends and nothing more."

Aha!  Arvind knew exactly where to plant that seed of doubt.  Anjali's hyper imaginative brain would definitely be of use in this particular matter.

"Your mother and I were like that when we were in college.  I loved her then too but never realized it."  Arvind smiled proudly when he heard Anjali gasp.

"You really think there's something there?"  Anjali was already jumping with joy in her mind.  Her best friend and her brother!  What more could she ask for?

"You live with them...you would see and understand more than I would.  I don't care what my foolish son has to say about it but I really think she's more than just a best friend to him."

Arvind saw Anjali's eyes zero in on Arnav, her mind somewhere far away in thoughts.  Arvind smiled.  Seed planted successfully.  Anjali would get to the bottom of this.


It had taken them two weeks after Arvind's departure but they had found someone who wanted to buy Goldie.  Of course, Goldie had been kept to the confines of Arnav's room until he was taken away.  Anjali and Payal avoided Arnav's room like a plague because of their oh-so-innocent pet.  They were glad that the reptile was no longer in the penthouse. 

Now, Arnav sat there trying to pacify a sad Khushi.

"It's okay Khush.  We'll buy another Goldie and this time we'll make sure he's never found!"  He promised.

Khushi agreed grudgingly.  Arnav ruffled her hair.

"Cheer up!  You're boring this way."  He tugged on one of her hair strands.

She slapped his arm in return.  He gasped and pulled on another strand of her hair.

"Haww!"  Khushi's jaw dropped and she punched his arm, seeking revenge.

Arnav grabbed a bunch of her hair and pulled her closer.

"Ouch!  Arnav!  Stop pulling my hair!"  Khushi complained.

He grabbed more of her hair with his other hand in response.  Oh how loved irritating her.

"Arnav...I'm telling you...if you pull my hair, I'll pull yours."  She warned.

Arnav scoffed.  Khushi gasped at his incredulity.  She grabbed two fists full of his hair and then began the pulling.

"You're not going to...ouch...win this!"  Khushi yelled.

"Ouch!  Neither are Ouch...you!"  Arnav screamed back. 

"Ugh...you...you...Pig!!"  Khushi narrowed her eyes.

"Chipkali!"  Arnav retorted.

"Dinosaur!" Khushi was ready with another name.

"Fat cow!"





Akash walked into the house and saw the scene in the living room.  "Hi Bhai...Hey Khushi."

The two paused pulling each other's hair but neither let go.  Both look at Akash and said a simultaneous "what's up?"

"Nothing...please...continue."  And with that, Akash left and the hair pulling began again.

Anjali and Rohan walked in a couple minutes later.  They just walked right past the fighting pair as if they were invisible.  This was such a normal occurrence that no one even bothered to jump in to stop them. What was the point?  As soon as third person entered the picture, the two would team up against them only.  Anjali had had enough experience with that.  The two could say the rudest things to each other but if a third person said anything mean to either of them, the other would come to their defence.

Payal and Shanaya walked in a few minutes later and by this time, the two were rolling around on the floor, trying to pull the other's hair, and Khushi was trying to slap his arms and legs.  Shanaya's jaw dropped.  Payal tried to stop her but it was too late.  Shanaya had already stormed up to the fighting pair.

"Stop it Khushi!  What's wrong with you?"  Shanaya said rudely.

Khushi glared at her and Arnav gave her a quick glance.  "Stay out of it Shanaya."

Shanaya couldn't believe that her boyfriend was telling her to stay out of it!  "Khushi...can you behave like a lady for once in your life?  Stop this nonsense.  Are you messed in the head?"

The two stood up immediately.  Khushi seemed to reach out for Shanaya but Arnav grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that!"  Arnav warned his girlfriend with a glare.

Shanaya scoffed.  "But it is true baby...look at her...I mean...those shoes..."  Shanaya looked at Khushi's sneakers with a disgusted look on her face.

Arnav clenched his jaw.  Khushi, however, grinned widely at Shanaya.

"At least when I go to sleep, my feet aren't crying in pain."  Khushi retorted.

Shanaya scoffed.  "Oh yeah?  What's your excuse for the clothes?  What girl willingly wears over sized shirts and shorts?"

"Uh let's see...the kind of girl who doesn't need to show off her skin to get a man's attention."  Khushi retorted, looking smug.

"And what man gives you any attention?"  Shanaya drawled.

"I do."  Arnav's response was final and authorative.

Shanaya rolled her eyes.  "Whatever.  What reason did you find to fight with him this time, Khushi?"

Khushi opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again.  She looked at Arnav and he looked at her.

"Why were we fighting?"  Khushi asked him.

His eyebrows shot up, his eyes rolled from one corner to the other; slowly "I...don't know."

And with that the two burst out laughing.  Shanaya stood there, looking scandalized as Arnav and Khushi hugged each other.  A little too intimate for Shanaya's liking. 

"Shall we go Arnav?  You promised we would go watch a movie, remember?"  Shanaya drawled.

Arnav looked at her with a slight frown.  This girl was starting to get on his nerves.  They strictly had a no strings attached deal.

"I never promised.  I said maybe.  And I definitely can't go today."

"Why?"  She questioned demandingly.

"Because I have plans with Khushi.  My Thursday evenings are booked for her."

"You're picking her over your girlfriend?"  She said acidly.

Khushi raised her eyebrows.  "Please.  You've known him for four weeks...he's known me for ages.   And why are you so insecure about your "boyfriend" hanging out with a girl in oversized shirts and shorts?" 

Khushi knew she had hit the sore chord.  She smirked and walked towards the dining table after winking at Arnav.

"You have to pick Arnav.  Tonight's plans.  It's either her or me."

"Or what?"  He challenged.

"Or I might have to consider breaking up with you."  Shanaya crossed her arms.  Hah!  That will work.  It always works.

But to her utter shock, Arnav shrugged nonchalantly.  "We're over then.  See you around Shanaya...or maybe not."

Shanaya's appalled face was out of his sight before he had blinked twice.  Payal watched her leave and then clicked her tongue pitifully.

"Another one bites the dust."  She commented as she strolled into the living room at the same time Khushi walked towards the couch.

"Anyone who talks to Khushi like that will always bite the dust.  No one says anything tomy best friend and gets away with it."  Arnav plopped down on the couch.

Khushi smiled as she felt the odd joy settling in her heart.  This joy, she experienced every time he broke up with his girlfriends.  It usually lasted until he started seeing another witch.  As she sat next to him, playing the random video game he had started, she knew she had another few days before this joy disappeared.

Little did she know of the plan Anjali and Payal were brewing up for Khushi and their newly made friend, Joel.


A week later, after their dance class, Anjali and Payal smirked at each other before putting the plan in action.  At the exit of the building, Anjali stopped Joel and the guy walked over to them with a boyish grin on his face.

"Good class, eh, ladies?"  He nodded at the three of them.

He winked at Payal knowingly and Payal chuckled.  Of course, Joel was in on the plan.  He had felt attracted to Khushi from the first day of their class.  Her personality and the fact that she was so different from the other girls really set her apart and he had found himself crushing on her in nearly no time.

"I wish it was a bit longer...it was fun today!"  Khushi chirped, oblivious to the plans being cooked behind her back.

"Let's make the evening longer then...let's go for dinner?"  Payal suggested and the other three had agreed.

In twenty minutes, the four had found themselves seated at a restaurant, looking at menus.  Khushi chewed her bottom lip.  How the heck was she supposed to pick just a few items from the menu??  Everything sounded delicious!  Payal and Anjali exchanged another grin.  Payal dialled Anjali's number discreetly, making sure Khushi didn't see.

"Hello?...Oh my God!  I'm so sorry!  Okay...I'll be there in twenty minutes.  Just wait for me there."  Anjali pretended to freak out and little and hung up the phone.  Payal stifled a giggle.  "Sorry guys.  I have a friend who was coming over to take some notes from me...I completely forgot.  I'll have to go...you guys enjoy dinner. I'll see you at home!" 

And with that, Anjali had gathered her things, bid the other three goodbyes, and left gleefully.  As per plan, a couple minutes later, Payal's phone rang.  Khushi raised her eyebrow at her as she answered.

"Hi Akash..."  Payal trailed off.

"Make sure you're blushing!"  Anjali spoke into the phone.

"W-what?"  Payal stammered.

"Make sure you're blushing!  You're always blushing when you talk to Akash!  Okay...um...think about you two kissing...he's holding your hand as you sit and watch a movie.  You're trying to secretly steal romantic moments in the kitchen and you think we don't know..."  Anjali listed off things.

"Stop is Akash!"  Payal was indeed, red in the face by now.  "Okay fine.  I'll see you in a bit."  Payal hung up and avoided looking at Khushi lest she ended up ruining the plans.

"Sorry guys...Akash said he's missing me too much...He's just a couple of blocks further...I'll go and see him.  Joel...can you please drop Khushi home?"  Payal looked at the man who was looking very amused at all of this.

"No wait...I'll come home too..."  Khushi started.

Joel gasped.  "Wow...ditched by three women in a day...I must be one repulsive guy."  He said sadly and looked at Khushi.

Khushi looked at him apologetically and then gave into his puppy dog expression.  "Oh, alright!  Don't give me that emotional blackmail crap."

Payal bid them goodbye and ran out of the restaurant.  Outside, Anjali and Payal gave each other a high five and drove home.

Some twenty minutes later, when they entered the penthouse, they were still giggling to each other.  Akash and Rohan looked at them with raised eyebrows from the living room couch.

"You two look like you've been up to no good."  Rohan teased, kissing Anjali's cheek as she took a seat next to him.

"You won't believe it!  Khushi is on a date!  With this guy from class..."  Payal chuckled, leaning against Akash's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Oh?  How did you manage that?"  Akash was amused.  Khushi would never knowingly agree to go on a date.

Payal and Anjali gleefully explained their plan and their super execution of it, unaware of the fact that a fuming Arnav stood at the gateway between the living room and the dining room, listening.  As soon as they'd finished, he walked around the couch to pick up his car keys from the coffee table, startling Anjali and Payal.  He glared at the two of them and then stomped out of the penthouse, slamming the door behind him.

"And there goes your plan."  Rohan sighed.

Anjali turned to him with her eyes twinkling.  "He can't ruin it...he doesn't know what restaurant they're at."

Akash shrugged.  "He'll just call Khushi and ask."

That wiped off the smirk from their faces.  What they didn't know was that Khushi's phone was in her bag, lifeless with a drained battery. 

And so, Arnav Singh Raizada returned in an hour, fuming.  He stormed into the penthouse, not even bothering to close the door behind him.  The four spectators stood up nervously.

"Where the fuck is she??  She's not even answering my calls!"  Arnav roared, making Payal shudder.

Anjali glared at him.  "Relax Chotte.  She's just out for dinner.  She'll be back soon."

"Correction.  She's on a date.  She's out with a fucking stranger!"  Arnav clenched his fists.

"He's not a stranger!"  Anjali snapped.  "He's our friend.  He likes Khushi."

Arnav's eyes darkened and his hands trembled from the fury.  Rohan stepped in front of Anjali protectively, very aware of Arnav's temper.  Behind them, Akash also put an arm around Payal's shoulders.

"Well, he can't.  She's my best friend and I'm not going to let her go out there and get hurt by some asshole who finds her attractive."  Arnav said matter-of-factly.

"So you're saying that she can't go on dates just because she's your best friend?"  Rohan cut in with a calm tone.

Arnav glared at him.  "I'm just looking out for her."

Rohan sniggered.  "Yeah.  It's funny that you didn't look out so much for Anjali when she was dating me or even Payal when she was dating Akash...then why the extra concern for Khushi?"

"Because with Di...it was you.  With Payal...it was Akash.  With Khushi...it's someone I don't know.  How can I just trust any man with her?"  Arnav said, getting angrier by the minute.

"He's not just any man, Arnav.  He's a friend."  Anjali said calmly.  "You are her best friend...I may not be at the same level as you for her but she's my best friend...I care for her just as much.  I wouldn't leave her with just any man, you know that!  And if you ask me...I think you're being unreasonable.  You're making a fuss about her being on a date and yet you bring home a different girl every month!"

Arnav smiled bitterly.  "That's exactly it.  Do you know how many men out there do that?  Do you know how many men play with girls like that?  I don't want her to end up as one of those girls.  I don't want to see her end up getting hurt.  And I sure as hell don't want some asshole to take her away from me.  After Mamma and you...she's the most important person for me and I'm not about to stand here and watched her go through this ugly reality."

And with that, Arnav turned around, walked out of the penthouse, slamming the door shut behind him.

Rohan rounded on Anjali right away.  "I told you trying to play these jealousy games was a stupid idea.  How many times did you hear him say my best friend'?  That's all she is to him, why can't you just stop daydreaming about them being a couple?"

Akash sighed.  "I think Rohan is right...you two should really put a rest to this plan of yours.  If there were any feelings there...one of them would have told the other...let's not have a repeat of this, okay?"

Akash and Rohan also walked out of the penthouse in search of Arnav.  The last thing they needed right now was Arnav doing something stupid in the heat of the moment.  Payal and Anjali stood in their spot, staring after the door.

"I still think you're right."  Payal said in a small voice.  Anjali turned to face her.

"Really?"  Anjali was still hopeful.  All she needed was at least one person by her side to help her put her plans into action.  Clearly, Akash and Rohan wouldn't help at all.

Payal nodded.  "I think he's just hiding his feelings behind the mask of friendship...either that...or he doesn't realize it yet.  I mean...he's not going to let anyone take her away from him??  Come on...no one's that possessive of a best friend'."  Payal air quoted the term.

"Maybe we're going about this the wrong way...maybe the jealousy card was played too soon?"  Anjali sat down with a sigh.

Payal also sat down and the two thought about it.  Suddenly, an idea struck Payal.

"Clearly...we won't be able to crack it from Arnav...and if we can't get the information out of him..."  Payal trailed off until she saw understanding light in Anjali's eyes.

"If not him, then we have to get it out of Khushi..." 

And with that thought, the two sat down and started planning their next steps.

Precap:  A Fight?  A Kiss?  Maybe?

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