5 February 2014


She opened her eyes against the bright sunlight pouring into her room.  She yawned and stretched and then rolled her eyes feeling his arm around her waist.  Such a possessive grip.  She tried to shove it off but alas...it was the giant’s arm after all.  How was a petite little thing like her supposed to move it?

She snorted.  Yeah right...petite.  Even her conscious had the skill of being sarcastic.

“Arnaaaavvv!”  She whined, trying to shove his arm off.  “Get off of me you beast!”  She tried again.

“Hmm...let me sleep.”  He complained, throwing a leg over her too, locking her limbs.

She turned to look at him, and of course, as usual, he was without a shirt.  She could have sworn that he had the shirt on last night when they slept.  He sighed deeply, looking as innocent as a five year old child.  If only that innocence lasted when he was awake.  She rolled her eyes. 

“Stop rolling your eyes at me.”  He mumbled.  She chuckled and then stopped.  Wait.  How did he know that?  Ugh.  Stupid Mr. I Know Everything.

“Can you let go of me?  I don’t plan on lying around all morning until his highness Arnav spoilt brat Singh Raizada feels like waking up.  Especially when your snores make you sound like a lawn mower”  She glared.

He opened one eye and looked at her.  He smirked and tightened his grip, pulling her even closer.  She tried pry off his arm but it wouldn’t budge.  She groaned in frustration.

“You’re such a dinosaur!!  Move it!”  She slapped his arm.

“Ow!  who the hell pissed you off this morning?”  arnav mumbled, succumbing to slumber once again.

“I have to go to the gym!  I swear, you’ll regret this Arnav...”  She warned.  This was one of her most used lines.

“Ooooh.  I’m so scared...” Mumbled a sleepy Arnav.

“you’re already going to have a bad morning...you will have a disastrous hangover and your morning’s about to get a tad bit worse if you don’t let go of me.”  She threatened.

“Try me.”  Was all he mumbled.

She pouted and looked around.  She picked up the glass of water from the side table and emptied its contents on his head without a second thought.

“What the--!”  Arnav exclaimed, sitting upright in bed.

He felt her warmth move away and her laughter echoed in the room.

“I warned you.”  She declared.

The next moment he was hit in the face with one of her pillows.  He made a hasty leap in an attempt to catch her but she’d moved away and was running out of the room by the time he had himself tangled out of the blanket.

“I’ll get you back for this, Khushi!!”  He bellowed.  This was one of his most used lines.

1 comment:

  1. how can anyone NOT love this beautiful story...

    it was my love at first sight...

    I am sooo glad you created a blog for your awesome story...

    now i will get to re-read these stories without bothering to going back to page one of IF for further parts (hehehe)

    waiting for more parts to get uploaded here...



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